Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Week 4: Going Back in Time

     This past week we experienced a contemporary building along with ancient ruins. We visited the MAXXI Museum designed by Zaha Hadid. We were lucky enough to be there while the Corb Exhibit was still on display, as well as an architectural exhibit that contained models from the design competition for the MAXXI. It was interesting to see how many different schemes were created for the same site.


     The following day we visited Il Museo Nazionale Romano: Palazzo Massimo. Throughout the museums four floors, there are sculptures, frescoes, coins, mosaics, jewelry and other relics from late antiquity. Afterwards, we had time to see the Baths of Diocletian. These Baths are the largest ever to be built during the Roman period. They were completed in 4th Century AD. Michelangelo was later challenged with the task to renovate the Baths into the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli and the Carthusian Monastery.

Post by: Christie Melgar and Maura Rossi